Marvelous Releases More Rune Factory 4 Special Videos For Margaret, Dylas, Amber, and Vishnal
Marvelous has shared more videos detailing four characters from Rune Factory 4 Special.
This time, we get to learn more about the bachelorettes Margaret and Amber, along with the Bachelors Dylas and Vishnal. While Margaret and Amber bring some energy and light humor to the town, Dylas and Vishnal are more brooding and straight-laced.
Check them out below.
She’s a gentle and caring elf, as well as a gifted musician who can produce many beautiful tones. Despite being afraid of heights, she lives at the farthest edge of town.
美しい音色を奏でる音楽家で、高所恐怖症なのに町の崖っぷちに住んでいる。— 『ルーンファクトリー』シリーズ公式 (@RuneFactory_PR) May 7, 2019
He’s a rather quiet young man, who starts living in town following a certain event. He’s quite awkward, which causes a fair number of misunderstandings.
本日は物静かな青年「ディラス」。ある出来事をきっかけに町で生活を始める。不器用な性格で素直になれず、誤解を与えることが多い。— 『ルーンファクトリー』シリーズ公式 (@RuneFactory_PR) April 25, 2019
A bright and energetic girl. She only starts living in town after a certain event has been cleared. She prefers daytime, and often goes sunbathing when the weather is nice enough.
本日は天然で明るい少女「コハク」。ある出来事をきっかけに町で生活を始める。昼を好み、天気の良い日は日向ぼっこをしている。— 『ルーンファクトリー』シリーズ公式 (@RuneFactory_PR) April 23, 2019
He’s a butler in training, who believes a butler can do anything, which is why he takes his training extremely serious. He’s quite the honest fellow, which often leads to him being made fun of.
本日は執事見習いの青年「ビシュナル」。一人前の執事を目指して日々特訓を欠かさないが、素直すぎてだまされてしまうことも。— 『ルーンファクトリー』シリーズ公式 (@RuneFactory_PR) April 19, 2019