Marvelous Tells Fans To Expect More Story Of Seasons Remakes
Hikaru Nakano, director of the Nintendo Switch full remake for STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of Mineral Town, has made some interesting remarks in an interview with Nintendo Dream.
First, Nakano said he is pleased to be able to deliver the first mainline Story of Seasons title for Nintendo Switch. Next, Nakano mentioned that Friends of Mineral Town is in fact, the first of many Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon “full remakes”. He hopes fans will continue to look forward to more full remakes in the future.
See his full comments as translated by NintendoSoup:
“We have finally created a full remake for Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. But, as this title is the first game in the (full remake) series, we are naturally thinking of making more full remakes. So please enjoy your life in Mineral Town first, and continue to support the Story of Seasons series.”
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