Meet The Developers Of Pokemon Ultra Sun And Ultra Moon At The Fan Meeting
The Pokemon Company has announced a fan meeting for fans to get up close to the developers of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
During the fan meeting, participants will get to meet Junichi Masuda, Shigeru Ohmori, and Kazumasa Iwao, the producers and directors of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Interested participants can take part in a lottery which will determine who gets to access the fan meeting. Details on the lottery will be announced on the Pokemon Center Staff Voice website on April 27, 2018.
Three fan meetings have been scheduled at two different Pokemon Center locations. The first will be held at Pokemon Center Mega Tokyo on May 12 from 12pm, the second at Pokemon Center Osaka on May 13 from 10:30am, and the final at Pokemon Center Osaka from 2:30pm on the same day.
Last but not least, participants at the fan meeting will receive a special Team Rainbow Rocket business card. By showing this card to the cashier at the Pokemon Center location the meeting is held, you’ll receive a present that couldn’t be found elsewhere. No word on what the present is, sadly.