Minecraft Bedrock Edition For Switch Gets V1.6 Update, Brings Phantoms
Minecraft players on the Nintendo Switch can head back into the game expecting geometry new features with Update 1.6. The update brings in Phantoms and Barrier Blocks on top of the usual bug fixes.
You can find out more about the update at Minecraft’s support page here, or from the patch notes below.
New Features:
- Phantom mobs will now spawn in the night skies if a player hasn’t slept in over three in-game days. (Please note that there is a bug currently where phantoms may not swoop down- we will be fixing this bug as soon as we can!)
- Barrier Blocks
- Great for map makers to limit players and mobs to certain areas of the world
- Can be placed in Creative mode and are invisible in Survival and Adventure modes
- Can only be obtained using commands and do not appear in the Creative inventory
- Menu and inventory tabs can now be navigated using the [ and ] keys (Can be remapped in Settings)
- Pages can now be turned in the Book & Quill using the controller bumper buttons
- Personal Game Mode is now set to the Default Game Mode option when first joining a world
- Added the ‘doinsomnia’ game rule to toggle Phantom spawning when commands are enabled
- Added fresh new icons to game invite and achievement notifications on Nintendo Switch
- Adjusted mouse input sensitivity for slower turning at lower values
- Crashes/Performance
- Fixed several crashes that occurred during gameplay
- Fixed a crash that occurred when using Pick Block in a spot where a mob just died
- Fixed a crash that occurred when players were spawning and the spawn point was getting set every tick
- Fixed a crash that occurred when joining a game and downloading Greek Mythology textures
- Increased performance for menu load times
- General
- Fixed the “Ahoy” and “Atlantis” achievements not unlocking on Nintendo Switch
- Fixed an issue that caused touch screen actions to repeat after touch release
- Fixed controls becoming unresponsive after resuming the game from standby (MCPE-22195)
- Operator permissions are now granted to players when the host creates a world with Trust Player Permissions set to Operator
- Fixed the upload failure that occurred when exporting to Remix3D
- Gameplay
- Firework Rockets once again give the proper boost when using Elytra (MCPE-30821)
- Crouching on ladders will no longer stop when opening the pause menu or inventory screen
- Fixed the speed boost given by Dolphins being too slow when wearing armor with Depth Strider
- The Resistance effect will now protect against the Wither effect (MCPE-21515)
- Players no longer clip through blocks and suffocate while swimming (MCPE-34112)
- Players are now able to return to the Overworld if an End Portal is on their spawn point (96153)
- Items
- Buckets now stack properly when getting ejected from crafting output
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to obtain a ‘Water’ item (MCPE-28883)
- Fixed an exploit that allowed items to be duplicated using the Recipe Book (MCPE-36167)
- Mobs
- Guardians no longer attack fish (125705)
- Fixed Guardians spawning even when Mob Spawning is disabled (MCPE-34027)
- Fixed issues with the Ender Dragon disappearing or dying for little to no reason
- Drowned now have a much easier time attacking players that are swimming above them
- Fixed Strays and Skeletons having trouble leaving the water to attack players
- Wolves no longer get stuck attacking Skeletons that are underwater
- Fixed a bug where Parrots could ride Donkeys and Mules (MCPE-25737)
- Blazes now attack Snow Golems (MCPE-13191)
- Elder Guardians now drop Wet Sponges when killed
- Fixed monster spawners appearing empty on converted Console Edition worlds
- Hostile mobs in boats can no longer attack from every angle (MCPE-16938)
- Dolphins can no longer attack players through solid blocks
- Baby Horses, Donkeys and Mules can no longer be pushed through solid blocks (MCPE-20114)
- Creepers no longer remain white or quickly flash when killed
- Entities following a target entity will now navigate properly over slabs
- Used chests can now be equipped to Mules and Llamas (MCPE-32152)
- Blocks
- Underwater plants can now be placed in water columns that originate from the top water source blocks
- Kelp now mimics Seagrass in its placement and can be placed on most blocks underwater (MCPE-33747)
- Kelp that is planted by players will now grow over time
- Chemistry blocks in a world uploaded to a Realm are no longer corrupted
- Observers will now detect changes with Droppers, Dispensers, Brewing Stands, Farmland, Saplings, Sugar Cane, Fire, and Grass blocks
- The amount of fuel in Brewing Stands now converts from Console Edition worlds (MCPE-34677)
- Activating an End Portal will now replace any blocks inside the portal (MCPE-28344)
- Fixed certain variants of Rails having an incorrect hitbox size
- Land plants can no longer be placed underwater (MCPE-34124)
- Command Blocks now correctly conduct Redstone power (MCPE-33021)
- Fixed an issue that allowed rails to be duplicated (MCPE-18230)
- Fixed the Cactus hitbox being displayed too low
- Realms
- The owner of a Realm, once again, no longer counts towards the player limit of a Realm
- Improved error messaging when attempting to join a Realm via invite link with an outdated version of the game
- World Generation
- Fixed floating Rails that generated in abandoned mineshafts (MCPE-23189)
- Graphical
- Improved the Trident throwing animation
- Visibility now increases over time when submerged in flowing water
- Cocoa Beans now display correctly when using HD Resource Packs (MCPE-30552)
- Field of View can once again be adjusted when the “FOV Can Be Altered by Gameplay” option is disabled (MCPE-32403)
- Redstone dust now renders on the sides of Glass blocks (MCPE-21542)
- Resource packs once again apply when joining a multiplayer game that has a pack enabled (MCPE-33770)
- Fixed Texture Packs having a placeholder icon on the Pack Validation screen on Android devices
- The Ender Dragon is no longer missing the texture on its neck when playing the Norse Mythology Mash-up Pack (MCPE-33966)
- Food particles no longer gradually change position after swimming and will always come out of the player’s mouth area (MCPE-33984)
- Fixed a rare case of Ender Chests from Console Edition worlds converting to normal Chests with Ender particles (MCPE-26717)
- Leads no longer flicker when playing in split-screen multiplayer
- Particles from Enchanted Arrows no longer drift in flowing water
- Water Bottle icons no longer have red liquid on Android devices. It wasn’t creepy or anything (MCPE-34167)
- Players no longer appear to be floating above Minecarts (MCPE-33787)
- Swimming through certain waterlogged blocks no longer removes underwater fog (MCPE-33917)
- Oculus Rift mirror screen view now displays properly on monitors with 4K resolution
- Audio
- Lowered the volume of the ‘punching air’ and ‘punching mobs’ sound effects
- Fixed the sounds of items breaking twice for Boats, Minecarts, Paintings, and Armor Stands
- User Interface
- Items can once again be crafted from the Recipe Book while the Craftable filter is disabled and the player only has enough materials to craft a single recipe
- Quickly moving a stack of items in the inventory with a controller no longer leaves items behind (MCPE-34694)
- Fixed the Cancel button not appearing on Windows 10 devices when joining a cross-platform world
- Opening Book & Quill on touch devices no longer causes blocks to break (MCPE-29752)
- The gamepad cursor can now be used to navigate Villager trades (MCPE-33330)
- Multiple items can now be collected from the Villager trading output slot (MCPE-32635)
- Fixed overlapping issues with the Dragon Head equipped on the inventory screen
- The Crafting Table’s output field hover state now matches the field’s size
- Quick moving items from the hotbar to a container now works as intended (MCPE-19952)
- Hitting the Enter key in the inventory no longer moves the cursor in/out of the text field or grabs/drops items
- Selecting the output of an uncraftable recipe no longer causes the output item to disappear
- Fixed inconsistent behavior when Attack/Destroy is mapped to Right-Click on the mouse (MCPE-23383)
- Levers now have a “Use” controller hint
- Commands
- Using ‘/fill doors’ now fills the chosen area with doors instead of air blocks
- Using the ‘/setblock’ command on Redstone components will now properly update and power the mechanism (MCPE-21218)
- Cloning containers no longer removes their custom names
- Slabs with ‘can_place_on’ tags can once again be placed by players in Adventure mode
- Updated templates for 1.6.0 with new assets and behaviors can be downloaded from minecraft.net/addons
- Fixed several issues with Fish textures that pertained to Resource Packs
- ‘minecraft:behavior.player_ride_tamed’ will now override all other AI goals
- ‘movement.sway’ once again allows mobs to move properly