More Animal Crossing: New Horizons Art Released, Shows Villagers With Sleeves For First Time Ever
For Animal Crossing fans, one of the series’ enduring staples has been the simplistic clothing of its animal villagers – with most (if not all) of them wearing a tank-top or short dress with various patterns. Well, it looks like that tradition will soon be coming to an end with Animal Crossing: New Horizons!
The latest issue of Nintendo Dream magazine has revealed new renders for various villagers in the upcoming Switch game – and fans are already picking up on a key difference in their clothes. As you can see in closer detail below, villagers will be able to wear attire with short or long sleeves (i.e. such as t-shirts, winter sweaters, and more)!
Essentially, it looks like villagers will all don a wider wardrobe – although it’s not clear if they’ll change their clothes according to the seasons. We’ll just have to wait for Nintendo to confirm more details in the future!