Netflix Still Interested In Switch Support, All Depends On Nintendo

Netflix Still Interested In Switch Support, All Depends On Nintendo

Nintendo Switch fans have been hungry for video-on-demand services since the beginning of the console’s lifecycle.

Scott Mirer, Netflix vice president of device partner ecosystem, told a press Q&A panel at Silicon Valley the company is still looking into the possibility of supporting the Switch, but ultimately it all depends on Nintendo.
In the case of the Switch, they [Nintendo] were very focused at launch not on video-use cases, but on gaming cases, video was not a priority for them. Whether that changes over time, we have a great relationship with them and look at the possibility of [supporting] the Switch. We each have opportunity cost around that, but at some point, it might happen.

The only VOD service currently available on Nintendo Switch is Hulu, as well as video streaming service niconico in Japan.
