Nintendo France Bans Hero From Their Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament
Previously, we reported that Dragon Quest‘s Hero had been banned from competitive Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournaments in Southern Australia due to his “anti-competitive” kit.
Today, we have news that The Hero has once again been barred from use in another tournament. This time however, the ban was decided by none other than Nintendo of France, for an official tournament Nintendo is holding in the country. Furthermore The Hero is the only DLC Fighter that is receiving this treatment, with Piranha Plant, Joker and even the recently released Banjo & Kazooie all being allowed for play.
You can check out the official statement below, as translated by NoFallSSB on Twitter:
With Nintendo themselves deciding to ban him from competitions, one wonders whether this will eventually lead to The Hero getting re-balanced in future updates to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. We will continue to monitor this story and bring more details as they come.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.