Nintendo Makes A Fatal Mistake With New Kirby Calendar Wallpaper
Recently, Nintendo made a new smartphone and desktop wallpaper featuring Kirby and a calendar for February 2018. It’s available as a redeemable reward on the My Nintendo rewards program.
Twitter user @volt790 noticed a very huge blunder has been made by the designers at Nintendo. The wallpaper’s header says “February” but the dates are completely incorrect, as the calendar has 31 days and not 28 days.
Nintendo hasn’t commented on the issue yet so we’ll have to wait and see what happens next!
Hey, uh. @NintendoAmerica you might wanna fix your Kirby Wallpaper for the MyNintendo Awards. All you did was put February over January's dates. You don't have much, but atleast make what you do have correct.
—🔋 (@VolticEXE) January 27, 2018