Nintendo Reminds Players Not To Throw Their Switch Onto The Sofa
The official Nintendo customer support account has put out a very important announcement for Nintendo Switch owners today.
The announcement reminds players not to carelessly throw their Nintendo Switch console onto the sofa, as they could end up sitting on it by accident. This could cause damage to the buttons and sticks.
Full message translated by NintendoSoup:
Nintendo Switchをぽいっとソファーに置いて、ついついその上に座って、「あっっっ」。
遊び終わったら、きちんと片づけてくださいね。 pic.twitter.com/rHDjibvF19
— 任天堂サポート (@nintendo_cs) October 18, 2019
“Have you ever been in a situation where you unconsciously throw your Nintendo Switch onto the sofa and… sit on it? ‘Ahhhh….’
Sitting on the console will not damage its screen, but it may cause damage to the buttons and analog sticks.
Always remember to keep away your console tidily after you have finished playing.”
Thanks, Brandon.