Nintendo Switch Gets Sexually Charged Sexting Game In Japan
We all know the Nintendo family brand as a walled garden of games that are safe for children, but times have changed and the only way to appeal to more people is to appeal to adults as well.
That is what Japanese game, Shin Den Ai (Nani ga Hoshii no?) ~Eri Kitami~, set out to do. The game, which launches today on the Japanese Switch eShop, is a game about calling up sexily dressed girls from various occupations (although all acted by adult model Eri Kitami). Should you answer the interactions “correctly”, you will be rewarded with some suggestive pictures and text from Eri Kitami in occupational dresses.
If you are into these kinds of game, you should really check out the game’s eShop page here. The base game is only ¥500, so it is not exactly expensive to start.