Nintendo Wants To Make Switch Games That Appeal To People Of All Ages
Japanese news site IT Media News recently spoke to Shinya Takahashi, one of the chief architects of the Nintendo Switch.
Takahashi said Nintendo wants to convey the appeal of the Switch to people of all ages and genders. Here are his full comments delivered to IT Media News, as translated by NintendoSoup (republication OK as long as NintendoSoup is properly cited and sourced):
So far, I’d say there are lots of games on Nintendo Switch that appeal to video game enthusiasts. Moving forward, we feel we would like to (create software) that appeals to people of all ages, whether they’re male or female.
This sounds like something coming from the Wii era, where Nintendo was churning out “casual titles” such as Wii Sports, Wii Music, and Wii Party. On the other hand, Takahashi mentioned Nintendo Labo is one of initiatives that they are using to broaden the Nintendo Switch audience.