Panic Button Says It’s Too Early To Talk About Wolfenstein: Youngblood On Switch
During a Nintendo World Report interview with Panic Button’s Adam Creighton, a few questions were asked about their Nintendo Switch projects and Wolfenstein: Youngblood.
As Panic Button ported Wolfenstein II to Switch, they were asked whether there was a possibility of bringing Wolfenstein: Youngblood to Nintendo Switch.
Creighton thinks that question should be answered by Bethedsa and Nintendo. Either way, he thinks it’s too early to comment on it.
Also asked were the challenges and obstacles Panic Button faced with developing games on Nintendo Switch, to which Creighton said that they are very familiar with the hardware and are able to “do things natively in the graphic section” to get additional performance.
Lastly, when asked about whether it’s possible to implement graphic improvements through updates to games such as Rocket League, Creighton responded the Nintendo Switch is still in early stages of its life cycle, so there are great opportunities to do more with the hardware.