Playtonic Bringing More DLC To Yooka Laylee
Things have been quite on Playtonic and Yooka Laylee’s end for quite a bit but the developers have come out to reassure everybody that great things are baking in the oven.
In a blog post celebrating Yooka Laylee’s birthday, Playtonic promises more content for Yooka Laylee, as well as, teased a bit on something that they have announced.
Surprise! Remember us? Yes, hands up, we’ve been a bit quiet for a while. But we promise it’s because we’ve been far too busy working on covert goodness, and not because we’ve been down the pub for 4 months. Soon we’ll start talking more actively, both about extra content for Yooka-Laylee, plus… other stuff. Shhh!
You can read more about it in their blog post here, which contains exciting details about a giveaway held in celebration of Yooka Laylee’s Birthday.