Pokemon Cafe Announces Limited Time Pokemon Gold And Silver Menu
The Pokemon Company has announced a special Pokemon Gold and Silver campaign taking place in Japan. During the campaign period, the official Pokemon Cafe in Tokyo, Japan will offer a limited time Pokemon Gold and Silver menu.
Let’s take a look at the menu items (please note all prices are inclusive of 8% sales tax):
Exclusive Menu from June 8, 2019 to September 6, 2019
Espeon’s Teriyaki Chicken Burger – 1598 yen (available from 10:30am to 5:59pm)
Umbreon’s Fried Chicken Burger – 1598 yen (available from 6:00pm to 10:00pm, last order 9:30pm)
Fluttery Mix Ole: Tapioca and Oreo – 1080 yen
Exclusive Menu from June 8, 2019 to July 19, 2019
Chikorita’s Green Pancake Sandwich – 1706 yen
Fully Healthy Pichu’s Curry – 1598 yen
Smeargle’s Painting Pancake – 1490 yen
Also, starting from June 8, 2019, a campaign called My251 Campaign will take place at all Pokemon Center and Pokemon Store locations across Japan. This will also apply to Pokemon Cafe.
From June 8 to September 1, 2019, customers at Pokemon Cafe will receive a random My251 sticker featuring a Pokemon from the Kanto or Johto region. This includes all 28 types of Unown!
Last but not least, a random design coaster (6 designs inclusive of one mystery design) will be given to customers who order a beverage at Pokemon Cafe.
What do you think?