Pokemon Fit Plushies Featuring Unova Pokemon Announced In Japan, Launching January 2023
It looks like the next generation of Pokemon friends are finally joining the popular Pokemon Fit plushie series!
Pokemon Center Japan has revealed that the sixth series of the plushie line will feature all 156 Pokemon from the Unova region along with some variants (such as male and female variants of certain Pokemon). This means that this sixth series will feature a total of 174 plushies! (Note: not all of them are pictured above)
The entire line will launch on 14 January 2023 at Japanese Pokemon center stores – and international pre-orders will also be available via Amazon Japan at a later date.
Here’s the full list of plushies that will be available as part of this series:
- Victini
- Snivy
- Servine
- Serperior
- Tepig
- Pignite
- Emboar
- Oshawott
- Dewott
- Samurott
- Patrat
- Watchog
- Lillipup
- Herdier
- Stoutland
- Purrloin
- Liepard
- Pansage
- Simisage
- Pansear
- Simisear
- Panpour
- Simipour
- Munna
- Musharna
- Pidove
- Tranquill
- Unfezant (Male)
- Unfezant (Female)
- Blitzle
- Zebstrika
- Roggenrola
- Boldore
- Gigalith
- Woobat
- Swoobat
- Drilbur
- Excadrill
- Audino
- Timburr
- Gurdurr
- Conkeldurr
- Tympole
- Palpitoad
- Seismitoad
- Throh
- Sawk
- Sewaddle
- Swadloon
- Leavanny
- Venipede
- Whirlipede
- Scolipede
- Cottonee
- Whimsicott
- Petilil
- Lilligant
- Basculin (Red-Stripe)
- Basculin (Blue Stripe)
- Sandile
- Krokorok
- Krookodile
- Darumaka
- Darmanitan
- Darmanitan (Zen Mode)
- Maractus
- Dwebble
- Crustle
- Scraggy
- Scrafty
- Sigilyph
- Yamask
- Cofagrigus
- Tirtouga
- Carracosta
- Archen
- Archeops
- Trubbish
- Garbodor
- Zorua
- Zoroark
- Minccino
- Cinccino
- Gothita
- Gothorita
- Gothitelle
- Solosis
- Duosion
- Reuniclus
- Ducklett
- Swanna
- Vanillite
- Vanillish
- Vanilluxe
- Deerling (Spring)
- Deerling (Summer)
- Deerling (Autumn)
- Deerling (Winter)
- Sawsbuck (Spring)
- Sawsbuck (Summer)
- Sawsbuck (Autumn)
- Sawsbuck (Winter)
- Emolga
- Karrablast
- Escavalier
- Foongus
- Amoonguss
- Frillish (Male)
- Frillish (Female)
- Jellicent (Male)
- Jellicent (Female)
- Alomomola
- Joltik
- Galvantula
- Ferroseed
- Ferrothorn
- Klink
- Klang
- Klinklang
- Tynamo
- Eelektrik
- Eelektross
- Elgyem
- Beheeyem
- Litwick
- Lampent
- Chandelure
- Axew
- Fraxure
- Haxorus
- Cubchoo
- Beartic
- Cryogonal
- Shelmet
- Accelgor
- Stunfisk
- Mienfoo
- Mienshao
- Druddigon
- Golett
- Golurk
- Pawniard
- Bisharp
- Bouffalant
- Rufflet
- Braviary
- Vullaby
- Mandibuzz
- Heatmor
- Durant
- Deino
- Zweilous
- Hydreigon
- Larvesta
- Volcarona
- Cobalion
- Terrakion
- Virizion
- Tornadus (Incarnate Forme)
- Tornadus (Therian Forme)
- Thundurus (Incarnate Forme)
- Thundurus (Therian Forme)
- Reshiram
- Zekrom
- Landorus (Incarnate Forme)
- Landorus (Therian Forme)
- Kyurem
- Kyurem (White Kyurem)
- Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
- Keldeo
- Keldeo (Resolute Form)
- Meloetta (Aria Forme)
- Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
- Genesect