Pokemon Legends Arceus Official Guidebook Launches April 16th In Japan, Includes Code For 50 Nuggets
Following the game’s final trailer, The Pokemon Company has announced an official guidebook for Pokemon Legends Arceus.
The guidebook is set to release on April 16th for Japan, containing tips and tricks for playing the game. It will also include a serial code for the game which will allow players to receive 50 gold Nuggets, which can be sold for money.
『Pokémon LEGENDS アルセウス』の公式ガイドブックが、4月16日(土)に発売決定!
くわしくはこちら!https://t.co/BXIPnXAhT7 #PokemonLEGENDS pic.twitter.com/ABQWbfTHzF— ポケモン公式 (@Pokemon_cojp) January 25, 2022
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