Pokemon Scarlet And Violet “Garganacl” Mystery Gift Distribution Announced
The Pokemon Company has announced a new Mystery Gift code coming to Pokemon Scarlet And Violet.
Later this week at the Oceania International Championships, a special code will be distributed during the live stream for the competition. This code will allow players to obtain a Garganacl based on the one used by Jiseok Lee in the 2023 San Diego Regional Championships. It will have the Poison Tera-Type, and will know the moves Salt Cure, Wide Guard, Recover, and Protect.
Serebii Update: A Garganacl based on Jiseok Lee's Garganacl will be distributed via code in the Oceania International Championships stream this weekend
Details being added @ https://t.co/gDbXkHSvkT pic.twitter.com/szPK23OKLC— Serebii.net (@SerebiiNet) February 14, 2023
Stay tuned for more details about the code and the Garganacl as it comes.
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