Pokemon Scarlet/Violet “Roy’s Fuecoco” Mystery Gift Event Announced
The Pokemon Company has announced a new mystery gift code for Pokemon Scarlet And Violet.
During the July 26th episode of the Pokemon Horizons anime in Japan, a mystery gift code for a Fuecoco based on the one used by Roy will be distributed. This code will be valid for all regions of the game.
Serebii Update: A new distribution has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Get Roy's Fuecoco through a shared code that will be given during the episode on July 26th 2024https://t.co/NWlAdn57aQ pic.twitter.com/HHXtUfUTO5
— Serebii.net (@SerebiiNet) July 12, 2024
Stay tuned for more updates as they come.
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