Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Version 2.0.2 Now Live, Fixes Several Bugs

Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Version 2.0.2 Now Live, Fixes Several Bugs

The Pokemon Company has released a new Version Update for Pokemon Scarlet And Violet.

The update brings the game up to Version 2.0.2, and fixes several bugs and issues. Most notably, it corrects a bug that was blocking certain players from completing a sidequest in the DLC. It also reportedly fixes the crash that occurs during the final battle of the main story under certain conditions.

You can check out the translated patchnotes below for more details:

  • Fixed an issue where under certain conditions, victory would not be recorded even if you defeated a trainer on the field. By having the trainer win again, the victory will be recorded. Because victories were not recorded, there were cases where you could not receive rewards for winning a certain number of victories against trainers in the field, such as “Pokémon League employees in various parts of the Paldea region” and “Demon Masks of Kitakami Village.”.
  • Fixed a bug where when bringing a special Pokemon from “Pokémon GO” from “Pokémon HOME”, you may not be able to bring the target Pokemon even though you have obtained it once in “Pokémon Scarlet/Violet” version 1.3.2 or earlier.
  • Fixed several other issues.

Stay tuned for more updates as they come.

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