Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Water-Type Mass Outbreak Event Announced
The Pokemon Company has announced the next Mass Outbreak Event for Pokemon Scarlet And Violet.
From June 7th to June 9th 2024, a Mass Outbreak featuring Water-Type Pokemon will be held in the games. The featured Pokemon are Finizen in Paldea, Lotad in Kitakami and Horsea in the Terarium. Pokemon caught in these outbreaks will have a higher chance of possessing the Kindly Mark.
Serebii Update: The next Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Mass Oubreak event has been announced. Focuses on Finizen, Lotad and Horsea in their respective regions. Runs from June 7th through June 9th
Details being added @ https://t.co/gDbXkHT3ar pic.twitter.com/7zw3P8lzbF
— Serebii.net (@SerebiiNet) June 2, 2024
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