Pokemon Sword And Shield Rivals Bede And Marnie Revealed
During today’s video presentation, The Pokemon Company finally revealed two more rivals that players will encounter on their journey in Pokemon Sword and Shield!
Those two rivals are Bede and Marnie. Bede is a more classical jerk rival with a lot of pride in his Pokemon battling skills. Meanwhile, Marnie is another rival whom also joins the Gym Challenge…although she has some interesting fans by her side.
Check out more details about them below, from their official profiles:
Bede is one of your rivals who is skilled at Pokémon battles and has the pride to match! He has joined the Gym Challenge, having received his endorsement from Rose, the chairman of the Galar Pokémon League. While he clearly is aiming to become Champion, he seems to have other objectives as well…
Marnie is one of your rivals who has a competitive side. Together with her partner Morpeko, she aims to become the Champion of the Galar region in order to accomplish a certain goal. She has many passionate fans, thanks to her sense of style and calm, calculated battle strategies.
Perhaps the most interesting detail about these two is that they perfectly match an earlier leak about today’s video presentation. This means that the leaker in question may have some partial credibility, and could be an interesting source of early information in the future!
We’ll report back when more Pokemon Sword and Shield news drops in the future. Stay tuned!