Pokemon Sword/Shield Players Discover How To Manipulate The Wild Area’s Weather
As you may be aware, in-game weather plays an important role in Pokemon Sword And Shield‘s Wild Area, as the kinds of Pokemon players can encounter change according to which weather condition is active.
Although a fairly cool and interesting mechanic, it can be frustrating for some players who are looking for a specific Pokemon, but have trouble catching the exact weather condition they need for it to appear.
However, Youtuber AustinJohnPlays has discovered a way for players to manipulate the weather at will, with the help of someone in his comments section. By changing the Switch’s in-game time to specific dates, the entire Wild Area will experience one specific type of weather. That said, some weather patterns such as Hail, Sandstorm, and Fog are locked to specific gym badges.
A weather chart created by AustinJohnPlays, along with his Youtube video explaining how it works can be found below:
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