Pokemon TCG Trainer Battle Deck Brock And Misty Up For Pre-Order
NintendoSoup Store is now taking international pre-orders for the recently announced Pokemon TCG Sun & Moon Trainer Battle Decks featuring Brock and Misty.
The trainer battle decks, titled “Pewter City Gym & Brock” and “Cerulean City Gym & Misty” respectively, will be offered exclusively at Pokemon Center Japan, making them hard to purchase items for Pokemon fans.
Each battle deck includes a constructed deck of 60 cards, 25 sheets of paper damenka, 2 markers, 1 GX marker, 1 sticker, play mat, deck shields, deck case, and card box. Both special decks launch in Japan on January 25, 2019.
Check out the links to pre-order and pictures below:
Pre-order Pokemon TCG Sun & Moon Trainer Battle Deck: Pewter City Gym & Brock
Pre-order Pokemon TCG Sun & Moon Trainer Battle Deck: Cerulean City Gym & Misty
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