Pokemon Translator Translates What Pikachu Says Into English
In the Pokemon anime, Ash Ketchum frequently talks to Pikachu and seems to understand what he says. Now, we have found that there’s actually some meaning behind Pikachu’s “Pika Pika” cries.
Pokemon translator and analyst Creative-Person has discovered that the various combinations of sound that Pikachu makes actually refer to people, Pokemon, and different phrases.
Here’s a chart that shows what Pikachu means whenever he goes Pika Pika:
Pika Pikachu = My name is Pikachu
Pi? = What?
Pi-ka = Yes
Pi-ka-chu = Are you alright?
Pikaaaaa-chuuuu = Thunder
Piiika-chuuuu = Thunderbolt
Pikapikapika… pi-ka = Volt Tackle
Pipipipipipi-chuchuchu = Agility
Chuu-pika = Iron Tail
Pikapi = Ash
Pikachu-pi = Misty
Pika-chu = Brock
Pikaka = Dawn
Pipipi = Togepi
PikakaPika = Bulbasaur
PikaPika = Squirtle / Staraptor / Infernape
Pipi-kachu = Team Rocket
What do you think?