Pokemon Ultra Sun And Ultra Moon Have Outsold Crystal And Emerald
Although Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon hasn’t sold as well as other mainline Pokemon titles on 3DS, it seems to be doing better than other “third version” Pokemon games released in the past.
As Nintendo reported earlier, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have sold a combined total of 7.17 million units worldwide by the end of 2017. When compared to lifetime sales of Pokemon Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, and Black 2/White 2, all of which are “third version” Pokemon games, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have managed to beat Crystal (6.39 million) and Emerald (7.06 million).It seems to be closing in on Platinum (7.6 million) and may require more effort to surpass Black 2/White 2 (8.52 million).
What do you think of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon’s performance? Let us know in the comments below!