Poll Reveals Top 5 Splatoon 2 Weapons In Japan

Poll Reveals Top 5 Splatoon 2 Weapons In Japan

Japanese video game site Inside Games recently conducted a poll to find out the top 5 weapons Splatoon 2 players living in Japan love to use the most.

The results of the poll have been published, and the No. 1 weapon goes to N-ZAP85, which won 23.7% of the vote. 3 out of 5 of the top weapons are all Splattershot type weapons.

Check out the full results below:

  1. N-ZAP85 (23.7%)
  2. Sploosh-o-matic (15.6%)
  3. Custom Splattershot Jr. (14.1%)
  4. Splattershot Jr. (13.3%)
  5. Tentatek Splattershot (11.9%)