nanoblock Clear Gyarados NBPM-055

nanoblock Clear Gyarados NBPM-055


Free international shipping and tracking. This is the clear version of official nanoblock Flying/Water-type Pokemon Gyarados. It is exclusively available at Pokemon Center Singapore and is not sold anywhere else.

View all Pokemon Center Singapore exclusive products here!

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Release date: August 17, 2019

Description: Free international shipping and tracking. This is the clear version of official nanoblock Flying/Water-type Pokemon Gyarados. It is exclusively available at Pokemon Center Singapore and is not sold anywhere else.

Shipping: Free International Shipping (Airmail) with tracking number – takes 5 to 14 working days for North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, about 2 to 4 weeks for Central America and South America. Ships directly from Singapore

Difficulty Level: 3/5

Pieces: 170

Japanese Name: ナノブロック ポケットモンスター ギャラドス クリアver. NBPM-055

Japanese Description: この商品は送料無料です。消費税など除外です。「ナノブロック ポケットモンスター ギャラドス クリアver. NBPM-055」はポケモンセンターシンガポール限定商品です。


nanoblock Clear Gyarados NBPM-055

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