Random: Nintendo Labo Video Features Kinopio-Kun Getting Pumped, In The Weirdest Way Possible

Random: Nintendo Labo Video Features Kinopio-Kun Getting Pumped, In The Weirdest Way Possible

Someone on Nintendo’s marketing team might have gone off the deep end with this one.

Recently, Nintendo’s LINE account shared a new video featuring its mascot Kinopio-Kun as the Labo Wind Pedal. While it looks cute for the first few seconds, things start getting…really uncomfortable when the player steps on Kinopio-Kun. Repeatedly. On the crotch.

You can check out what we mean below, courtesy of Nintendo Life.


Obviously, it’s supposed to look like Kinopio-Kun is working out with sit-ups. We just can’t possibly imagine how Nintendo green-lit this without realizing how suggestive it might look. Our eyes are forever scarred, now.

If you’re keen to learn more about the Labo Wind Pedal without Kinopio-Kun’s strangeness tagged on, check out our earlier coverage of the recently-released Nintendo Labo VR Kit.
