Retailer Thinkgeek Creates Fake Listing For Kirby Robot Vacuum As April Fools Joke

Retailer Thinkgeek Creates Fake Listing For Kirby Robot Vacuum As April Fools Joke

April Fools Day continues to wow and disappoint in equal measure.

If you were just casually browsing Thinkgeek in search of some great gaming merchandise, you might have been ecstatic to come across a listing for a Kirby robot vacuum cleaner, a “Roomby” if you will. If the idea of a Kirby vacuum cleaner adorably zipping around your house eating all your dust and dirt sounds too good to be true, that’s unfortunately because it is. The “Roomby” does not actually exist, and clicking the “Buy Now” button on its listing takes you to a page confirming that you’ve been pranked.

All jokes aside, you have to admire the lengths Thinkgeek went to create cute looking images of the product, but also creating a fake listing with fake descriptions of it to boot. Hopefully, this inspires someone out there to actually make the “Roomby” into a reality!

What do you think of the “Roomby”? Would you have wanted one in your home? Let us know in the comments below.

