Rumor: Animal Crossing New Horizons Amiibo Card Pattern Could Reveal Personalities Of New Villagers
Earlier this month, Nintendo revealed Series 5 of their Animal Crossing amiibo cards, which includes some new and returning villagers which will be added to Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Although not much information has been revealed about the new villagers aside from their names and designs, some astute fans have noticed a pattern in the amiibo cards that could reveal what personality types each of the new villagers could be.
As explained in a video by ChuyPlays, when arranged in numerical order, the villagers’ personalities seem to follow an order of Lazy > Normal > Jock > Peppy > Cranky > Snooty > Smug > Sisterly. Applying this pattern to the new villagers leads to the following personality assignments:
You can watch ChuyPlays‘ full explanation in his video below:
Of course, until the villagers are officially added to the game on November 5th, this speculation should be taken with a grain of salt. We will be sure to report back with more details as they come.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.