Rumor: Another Upcoming Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Tera Raid Event May Have Been Cancelled
Last week, The Pokemon Company was forced to cancel the Pokemon Scarlet And Violet Tera Raid events focusing on Great Tusk/Iron Treads due to a bug, which also resulted in the postponement of the Mighty Chesnaught Tera Raid rerun.
Now, it seems that this issue might have lead to the next scheduled Tera Raid Event being cancelled or postponed. According to Pokexperto, some versions of the Pokemon HOME event calendar shows that a Delphox Tera Raid event is supposed to be coming later this week from May 26th till May 28th. Such an event would traditionally be announced at the start of the week, but at the time of this writing no such announcement has been made on official channels.
El Calendario de Pokémon HOME muestra que el evento de Teraincursiones de Delphox estaba previsto para los días 26 a 28 de mayo.
Sin embargo, el evento no aparece aún en la página de noticias de Pokémon Escarlata y Púrpura. Es posible que se haya retrasado por el reciente error. pic.twitter.com/g9kM5GKmy0
— PokéXperto (@pokexperto) May 22, 2023
Currently, it is speculated that the event has been cancelled and postponed to a later date, either to give the developers more time to fix the bug or to reconfigure the schedule to accommodate the postponed Paradox Pokemon and Mighty Chesnaught raids. We will be sure to report back with more information as it comes.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.