Sephiroth Added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Mural
Right after the announcement of Sephiroth joining Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the One-Winged Angel has been added to the ever growing mural of Smash fighters.
The Japanese Smash Bros Twitter account has shared a look at where the newest playable character in Super Smash Bros. has been placed in the mural. He is scheduled to be released later this month with a look at this moveset next week.
Check out the video below.
参戦ファイターはこれで総勢83種です!#スマブラSP pic.twitter.com/7pKRwrJLL5— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) December 11, 2020