Splatoon 2 and The Long Switch Lines
If you have been with us for quite some time, you should be no stranger to our ever so often crazy Japanese Nintendo Switch queue articles (here, here). Here’s one more for you, a crazier nation-wide Splatoon 2 launch Nintendo Switch queue.
Starting off with Akihabara, the centre of Japan otaku subculture:
・ヨドバシAkiba – 8:00頃、販売開始で約60人が店内に案内開始
・ビックカメラAKIBA – 8:30頃、ニンテンドースイッチ同梱セット抽選受付開始で約200人が長い列をつくる pic.twitter.com/0Irbn0dnsD— ツルミロボ (@kaztsu) July 20, 2017
With 60 people at 8 AM becoming 200 at 8:30 AM, Akihabara faces one of the craziest queues.
Elsewhere in Tokyo, Ikebukuro also sees long lines despite the morning heat:
If you think that it is a big city, kind of thing, then you can’t be even more wrong. Even in less populated areas like in the Ehime Prefecture, queues were about 400 men long at Toys”R”Us.
Plus, if you think just because you manage to wrestle your way into a queue means that you will get a Switch with Splatoon 2, then here is some more news for you. This particular Toys”R”Us saw a queue about hundred long, but they only had a total of 50 sets to sell. So, you feeling lucky yet?
こちらのトイザらスは55個よ( *˙ω˙*)و
分母は500人程です…〣( ºΔº )〣 pic.twitter.com/23RgkBpF1M— サンディ(ฅ✧ω✧ฅ)DQX (@nuko_nuko_days) July 21, 2017
The list goes on, almost as long as the queue. Kotaku has made quite a comprehensive compilation here which you can read on if you are interested. As the popularity of the Switch sees no waning, hopefully, the production of the Switch can at least see some growth. Nintendo has promised to ship 10 million Switch by the end of the fiscal year, there does not seem to be any doubt that they can sell them all if they manage to produce them. With heavy hitters like Mario Odyssey and Pokken Tournament to come, the queues are unlikely to die down anytime soon. Stay tuned for more updates on crazy Japanese queues.