Stardew Valley To Bring New Features In Next Content Update
Stardew Valley’s next content update is going to be fantastic, at least according to Stardew Valley’s developer Eric Barone.
Coming to PCs first then to the console versions (including Switch), the update will bring new events, including winter specific ones. The update will also bring features such as outdoor decorations and signs.
some things I've added for the new content update:
*new "town event" in winter
*new type of collection that you can start in your first winter
*Signs (can display any item on them)
*More outdoor decorations (some change w/ season)
*More NPC "events"
*A way to re-spec professions— ConcernedApe (@ConcernedApe) December 20, 2017
It is not known when the update will drop, but when it does, it is going to be a blast!