Suda51 Has Turned 51 Years Old Today
Suda51, whose real name is Goichi Suda, has turned 51 on January 2, 2019.
For those of you unfamiliar with Suda51, he is the man behind Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes and the CEO and President of Grasshopper Manufacture. Grasshopper Manufacture is responsible for many popular games and IP such as Killer7 and No More Heroes.
To celebrate this special day, Suda51 revealed a “happy birthday!” T-shirt players can obtain in Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes. He also quipped he is literally “SUDA’51′” this year.
As of today, I am now literally SUDA"51". pic.twitter.com/VZJ5Maq8Ow
— SUDA51/須田剛一 (@suda_51) January 2, 2019
We would like to wish Suda51 a happy birthday and success for Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes!