Super Smash Bros. Ultimate GameCube Controller Cable Is Longer Than The Original
For those of you who are planning to play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with your original GameCube controller, looks like there’s going to be a very important factor to considering upgrading to the latest controller.
ResetERA user delete12345 has compared the cable lengths between his sparkling new Smash Bros. Ultimate GameCube controller and original white GameCube controller. The new controller is 9’8″ (3m), while the old controller is 6’3″ (2m).
This is pretty much the same as the Super Smash Bros. for Wii U GameCube controllers released a few years ago. They have the same cable length as the Smash Bros. Ultimate ones. You may also want to keep in mind that the Smash Bros. Ultimate controllers lack metal rods in the trigger buttons, something which the original GameCube controllers have.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
Thanks, Brandon.