Fire Emblem: Three Houses-The Edelgard Documentary
The leader of the Adrestian Empire is getting her Support conversations examined in this latest documentary.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Official Clear Pouches And Clips Announced In Japan
Japanese fans of Fire Emblem: Three Houses can now look forward to even more fancy merch, later this year!
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Is Now The Best Selling Game In The Series
Recently, Nintendo released some updated sales data for several of their top titles on Switch, revealing that Fire Emblem: Three Houses has now become the best-selling game in the series.
Download Fire Emblem Heroes’ November 2020 Smartphone Wallpaper
Nintendo has released another free Fire Emblem Heroes smartphone wallpaper for the month of November 2020.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses-The Dimitri Documentary
If you’ve been curious about how the leader of the Blue Lions evolves throughout Three Houses, there’s a new analysis of Dimitri for you to watch.
Download Fire Emblem Heroes’ May 2020 Smartphone Wallpaper
Nintendo has released another free Fire Emblem Heroes smartphone wallpaper for the month of May 2020.
Game Review: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Expansion Pass
There’s a new House in Fire Emblem: Three Houses but it’s a little odd compared to the others.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Dev Reveals Claude’s Real Name
Shocking news, Fire Emblem fans – everyone’s favorite meme lord and leader of the Golden Deer House, Claude von Riegan, has been lying to us all. Then again, this isn’t too surprising considering his reputation, but the subject of the lie is particularly shocking.
A Look At Fire Emblem: Three Houses Trivia
The latest entry in the Fire Emblem series seems to have a lot of changes that occurred between its initial trailer and the final game, some small, some big.
Tips & Tricks For Newest Fire Emblem Three Houses Units Coming To Fire Emblem Heroes
More members of the Black Eagles, Blue Lions, and Golden Deer are coming to Fire Emblem Heroes and here’s some tips on how to use them in battle.