Teacher Tries To Hold Back Tears After Students Give Him A Nintendo Switch
Here’s an extremely touching story that you don’t usually hear everyday.
High school teacher Nathan Neidigk has been having a rough time in his life. A few years ago his wife passed away and now his 2 year old son is fighting leukemia. Despite what he faces everyday, the Math students under his wing say Mr. Neidigk still comes to class punctually everyday with a smile on his face.
As such the 12 year old students decided to pool together what they have to buy a Nintendo Switch, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe that Neidgik has always wanted but couldn’t afford, due to the thousands of dollars of medical bills he has to pay for his son’s treatments.
When Neidigk soon realized what his students were presenting him, he was overwhelmed by their generosity and tried hard to hold back his tears. Check out the video below to see Neidigk’s reaction to receiving the Nintendo Switch.