Tokyo Fire Department Shares Safety Tips Through Animal Crossing: New Horizons
The Tokyo Fire Department has made use of Animal Crossing: New Horizons to educate people how to take care of themselves during natural disasters and prevent accidents from happening.
The fire department’s Twitter account first posted the following message (translated by NintendoSoup):
【新しい防災情報の発信をはじめます!】#あつまれどうぶつの森 のボウサイ島に職員を移住させ、島の安全を見守りながら、防災情報を発信していきます!防災に興味を持って、行動に移してもらえることを願っています。準備ができ次第マイデザインの公開も行う予定です!#防災の日 #防災週間 pic.twitter.com/VoNDlqqAij
— 東京消防庁 (@Tokyo_Fire_D) July 22, 2020
“Our staff have moved to Bousai (disaster) island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. To take care of the residents of this island, we are transmitting information about bousai! Those interested to learn more, please mobilize yourself. Once preparations are complete we will share a My Design pattern.”
全国で災害が相次いでいますが、感染防止のため皆さんと顔を合わせて防災訓練をする機会が減ってしまっています。防災に関する情報を分かりやすくお伝えするため、今、色々なことを準備しています。#防災の日 #防災週間 #新しい日常 #どうぶつの森 pic.twitter.com/v0GogYuDCh— 東京消防庁 (@Tokyo_Fire_D) July 16, 2020
“As disasters continue to fall on our entire country, opportunities to meet everyone and practice for natural disasters have decreased. We are now preparing ways to convey natural disaster safety tips in an easy to understand way.”
詳しくは https://t.co/1HAVBv9hA0#熱中症防止 #どうぶつの森 pic.twitter.com/27f88bzWXT— 東京消防庁 (@Tokyo_Fire_D) July 25, 2020
“To prevent yourself from getting heat stroke, always remember to 1. hydrate yourself, 2. wear a hat, 3. turn on the air con or electric fan. To prevent water accidents from happening, 1. Always keep an eye on your children, 2. don’t swim after drinking sake (alcohol), 3. check weather reports.”
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.