“Triforce Competition” Online Tournament Starts May 29 For Smash Ultimate
Nintendo has announced the next in-game tournament starting for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
This time, the tournament is limited to only characters and stages from the Legend Of Zelda series. The tournament starts this Friday on May 29th, and will run for three days. Entering the tournament will reward players with spirits from the Zelda series, and the more battles players win, the better the Spirits they receive as rewards.
5/29(金)から3日間、「ハイラルに集え! トライフォース争奪戦」を開催! 『ゼルダの伝説』シリーズのファイター&ステージ限定のトーナメントです。参加すると同シリーズのスピリッツを入手でき、勝ち進むほど豪華になります。#スマブラSP pic.twitter.com/diy6VlUUUZ— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) May 27, 2020
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