Video: Shin Megami Tensei V “Daily Demon” Volume 077
Atlus has published another episode of their “Daily Demon” series introducing demons featured in Shin Megami Tensei V.
Today’s episode focuses on Dragon Ananta – showing off his design for the game along with his moves. You can watch the video below, along with an English translation posted by Zeruel4891 in the comments.
Dragon Ananta
A world serpent of Indian myth, he appears at the beginning and end of the world. On the endless sea of milk on which Ananta stands, Vishnu sleeps above him, and when he wakes, the creation of the world began.
He uses “Lightning Dracostrike,” Maziodyne, and Mabufudyne, while Purple Smoke and “Ice Dracostrike” are listed.
Shin Megami Tensei V launches November 11th 2021 for Switch in Japan and November 12th 2021 worldwide.
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