When Ski Lifts Go Wrong Confirmed For January 2019 Release On Switch
During the recent KF Games Showcase, Curve Digital confirmed the launch date of When Ski Lifts Go Wrong on Switch!
The wacky physics-based puzzle game will be launching sometime in January 2019 – which matches its previously-reported ‘Early 2019’ release window. Like Bridge Constructor Portal, players are tasked with building structures that won’t fall apart instantaneously.
Check out the newest trailer below.
I feel like we're going to be good at getting our skiers to the end of levels in #WhenSkiLiftsGoWrong, but I also feel like there will be a lot of grizzly deaths along the way. #KFGShowcase pic.twitter.com/eAa0Bjvty6
— Kinda Funny (@KindaFunnyVids) December 8, 2018