Xenoblade Chronicles 2’s Mythra Has Also Been Censored In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Yesterday, we shared with you that Fire Emblem Fates character Camilla was censored in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
It looks like the same treatment has also applied to another popular character – this time it’s Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Nintendo censored Mythra in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate by covering up her cleavage and her thighs. See below:
Left – Original / Right – Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Keep in mind the picture on the right was created by a fan, but it’s based on the real design Mythra has in Smash Bros. Ultimate:
All of these compromises had to be made in order to ensure Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is an E10+ game to reach the largest audience possible.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.