20 New, Unused Hint Art Found In Super Mario Odyssey Update
If you have played Super Mario Odyssey, you are probably aware of the Hint Art Moons. These require you to find hints in one Kingdom that lead to hidden Moons in another.
In the latest update of the game, hackers have found 20 new, unused Hint Art icons in the game’s files. Some of them seem quite easy, but others are deviously subtle hints. Interestingly, all 20 Hint Art have the kanji for “Temporary” (仮) in the corner.
Does this mean that more DLC will be coming to Odyssey at a future date? That is the best explanation that we can think of. Perhaps these Hint Art will be hidden across new Kingdoms? That’s just speculation, but you can check out all 20 Hint Art below.
And if you’re looking for spoilers, YouTuber Akfamilyhome has managed to hunt down the locations for each moon!