Pokemon Manga Reveals Why Trainers Could Only Have 6 Pokemon In A Party

Pokemon Manga Reveals Why Trainers Could Only Have 6 Pokemon In A Party

Have you ever wondered why the maximum number of Pokemon you can have in your party is six? Today, the answer has been revealed.

According to the Pokemon manga, there are trainers in the world of Pokemon which have 7 to 8 Pokemon in a party. However, these trainers are hated very much by other trainers. It was determined that six Pokemon is the optimal number a trainer could have in their party in order to shower each Pokemon with sufficient attention and form strong bonds.

Thus, the Pokemon League officially decided that each trainer could only bring into battle a party of 6 Pokemon, as it makes the party “well-balanced” for both the trainer and Pokemon.

Here’s a snipplet from the manga, in case you are curious:

In conclusion, trainers shouldn’t aim in capturing as many Pokemon as possible. It is more important to form strong bonds with the Pokemon they have first.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

UPDATE: Corrected the Pokemon manga mistake. Sorry folks and thanks for pointing out!
