Chinese Television Illegally Plays Breath Of The Wild Intro Theme During Their Special Program
China has been in the news for disrespecting Nintendo IP lately, and today is no different even though China celebrated the Lunar New Year earlier this week.
According to Weibo users, the official Beijing Television channel played a short segment of the The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild introduction theme during their Lunar New Year special program. Here’s the video (turn up the volume as it’s too soft):
Beijing Television(北京卫视)used the Breath of the Wild intro for their Chinese New Year special program… pic.twitter.com/McbuHSWVw7
— Chinese Nintendo (@chinesenintendo) February 7, 2019
To play music on programs like this, broadcasters will first have to license the music from the copyright holder. Video game companies rarely license their music to broadcasters unless it’s for a live concert, so what you are seeing is unauthorized use of Nintendo’s IP.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.