Mega Man 11 Poster Warns Users Of Phishing And Provides Safety Tips

Mega Man 11 Poster Warns Users Of Phishing And Provides Safety Tips

Dangen Entertainment co-founder and community leader ChyadoSensei recently came across an interesting Mega Man 11 poster in Japan.

The poster warned people about phishing, a way for criminals to fraudulently obtain sensitive information such as credit card information and passwords. Victims are usually phished when they enter important details on a phishing website that looks identical to the legitimate website.

Here are some tips shared by the poster:

  1. Stop and check before entering and submitting your details on the Internet.
  2. Do not trust links, names, and contents from messages (e-mails, online chats, etc).
  3. Do not use the same ID and password on multiple websites and applications.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
