Detective Pikachu Director Hopes Hardcore Fans Will Be Pleased With The Film

Detective Pikachu Director Hopes Hardcore Fans Will Be Pleased With The Film

As the live-action debut of a globally beloved franchise, there’s a lot of pressure on Detective Pikachu to deliver an experience that’s not only a theatrical success, but also pleases its massive fanbase.

Speaking to, Director Rob Letterman discussed his worries about the film’s reception, specifically from the hardcore fans. Although Letterman and his team went to great lengths in order to secure the approval of the original creators, its equally important to him that the fans come to accept the movie as worthy of being part of the Pokemon universe.

“I’m really nervous. I just want it to do well, and I want people to enjoy it. I especially want the hardcore fans to appreciate it and give it the blessing that we worked really hard to get. We worked closely with The Pokemon Company and the original creators. There was a lot of respect and care put into the movie. It’s a new region, and a new storyline, but it is a part of the overall Pokemon universe. And we want the Pokemon to be done right.”

While reception has been mostly positive so far despite initial skepticism, only time will tell just how fondly Detective Pikachu will be remembered by the fanbase after it premiers worldwide on May 10 2019.

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