Fire Emblem Three Houses Receives New Details, Screenshots And Video For Leonie
The official Fire Emblem Twitter account has published a new character feature on Leonie, another student attending the Officer’s Academy in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Like the previous character showcases, this new feature details Leonie’s voice actress & character, as well as screenshots and video of her in-game.
Check it all out below:
– Voiced by Nogawa Sakura
– The daughter of a hunter, hailing from a village called Sawin within the Alliance.
– To become a mercenary and make money, she borrowed money from her village to enroll in the Officer’s Academy.
– To repay her gratitude and debt to her fellow villagers, she trains hard every day and lives modestly.
– She calls Jeralt her master, as he inspired her to be a mercenary, and calls herself his top disciple.
稼げる傭兵になるため、村から借金をして士官学校に入学した。村の人々への恩と借金を返すため、日々鍛錬と倹約に勤しむ。傭兵を目指すきっかけとなったジェラルトを師匠と呼び、一番弟子を自称している。 #FE風花雪月— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) June 21, 2019
先生にだって対抗心メラメラ。負けず嫌いなレオニーとの会話です。 #FE風花雪月
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) June 21, 2019
Fire Emblem: Three Houses will be launching for Nintendo Switch on 26 July 2019.