Child Scolded By Mom Proves Her Wrong By Becoming A Flutist For Link’s Awakening Switch
Today we have a heartwarming story to share with you from flutist Ichiro Takijun.
On the day The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening was released for Nintendo Switch, Takijun shared a story about how their mother would scold them when they were young for playing video games.
But now that Takijun has become an adult, they wants to tell their younger self that they have succeeded by becoming a flutist for The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening Switch.
Here are Takijun’s comments as translated by Makiko Itoh:
“Mom! I can play Zelda’s treasure chest sound on my flute! ”
Mom: “Games again? Stop wasting your time! Go and study!”
I want to let my dejected young self back then that 26 years later, you’ll be playing the flute in the Zelda remake.’ – Professional flutist Ichiro Takijun
26年後のリメイク作品ではお前がフルートを担当するぞと。 https://t.co/VXVpZbnJHZ— 多久潤一朗(たく じゅんいちろう) (@magnumtriored) September 20, 2019
Itoh, who translated Takijun’s tweets, also added the following analysis:
“What struck me about the original tweet was the emotion, the perhaps spur of the moment urge the OP felt, about wanting to reassure his child self, that his “wasteful” game playing wasn’t. That’s something many of us can relate too.”
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
Thanks, Brandon.